Hila Peleg

I am an Assistant Professor at the Technion, Haifa, working in the intersection of Programming Languages, Software Engineering, and Human-Computer Interaction. My research interests are in the fields of Programming Languages and Program Synthesis, specifically interaction models that create more versatile program synthesis solutions for programmers.

I completed my PhD with Prof. Eran Yahav in 2019 and worked with Nadia Polikarpova as a postdoc at UCSD.

My ERC-funded EXPLOSYN project is hiring PhD students and postdocs!
If you have SE and PL experience and would like to work on the future of program synthesis, drop me a line!

Current projects


  • Constrictor: Immutability as a Design Concept
    Elad Kinsbruner, Shachar Itzhaky, Hila Peleg
    ECOOP 2024: [paper] [bib]
  • Program Synthesis Co-Design
    Hila Peleg
    PLATEAU 2023: [paper] [bib]
  • AmiGo: Computational Design of Amigurumi Crochet Patterns
    Michal Edelstein, Hila Peleg, Shachar Itzhaky, Mirela Ben-Chen
    SCF2022: [paper]
  • LooPy: Interactive Program Synthesis with Control Structures
    Kasra Ferdowsifard, Shraddha Barke, Hila Peleg, Sorin Lerner, Nadia Polikarpova
    OOPSLA 2021: [paper] [talk] [bib]
  • Synthesis of Web Layouts from Examples
    Dylan Lukes, John Sarracino, Cora Coleman, Hila Peleg, Sorin Lerner, Nadia Polikarpova
    FSE 2021: [paper] [talk] [bib]
  • Cyclic Program Synthesis
    Shachar Itzhaky, Hila Peleg, Nadia Polikarpova, Reuben N. S. Rowe, Ilya Sergey
    PLDI 2021: [paper] [bib]
    Distinguished Paper Award, PLDI 2021
  • Digging for Fold: Synthesis-Aided API Discovery for Haskell
    Michael B. James, Zheng Guo, Ziteng Wang, Shivani Doshi, Hila Peleg, Ranjit Jhala, Nadia Polikarpova
    OOPSLA 2020: [paper] [talk] [bib]
  • Just-in-Time Learning for Bottom-Up Enumerative Synthesis
    Shraddha Barke, Hila Peleg, Nadia Polikarpova
    OOPSLA 2020: [paper] [talk] [bib]
  • Programming with a Read-Eval-Synth Loop
    Hila Peleg, Roi Gabay, Shachar Itzhaky, Eran Yahav
    OOPSLA 2020: [paper] [talk] [artifact] [bib]
    Distinguished Artifact Award, SPLASH 2020
  • The Wonderful Wizard of LoC: Paying attention to the man behind the curtain of line-of-code metrics
    Kalev Alpernas, Yotam M. Y. Feldman, Hila Peleg
    Onward! 2020: [essay] [talk] [bib]
  • Small-Step Live Programming by Example
    Kasra Ferdowsifard, Allen Ordookhanians, Hila Peleg, Sorin Lerner, Nadia Polikarpova
    UIST 2020: [paper] [short preview] [long preview] [talk] [bib]
  • Perfect is the Enemy of Good: Best-Effort Program Synthesis
    Hila Peleg, Nadia Polikarpova
    ECOOP 2020: [paper] [talk] [bib]
  • Programming by Predicates: A formal model for interactive synthesis
    Hila Peleg, Shachar Itzhaky, Sharon Shoham, Eran Yahav
    Acta Informatica: [paper] [bib]
  • Programming Not Only by Example
    Hila Peleg, Sharon Shoham, Eran Yahav
    ICSE 2018: [paper] [presentation] [bib]
  • Abstraction-Based Interaction Model for Synthesis
    Hila Peleg, Shachar Itzhaky, Sharon Shoham
    VMCAI2018: [paper] [presentation] [bib]
  • Generating Tests by Example
    Hila Peleg, Dan Rasin, Eran Yahav
    VMCAI2018: [paper (extended)] [presentation] [bib]
  • Learn&Fuzz: Machine Learning for Input Fuzzing
    Patrice Godefroid, Hila Peleg, Rishabh Singh
    ASE 2017: [paper]
    Arxiv: [technical report]
  • D3: Data-Driven Disjunctive Abstraction
    Hila Peleg, Sharon Shoham, Eran Yahav
    VMCAI2016: [paper] [presentation] [bib]
  • Symbolic Automata for Static Specification Mining
    Hila Peleg, Sharon Shoham, Eran Yahav, Hongseok Yang
    SAS2013: [paper] [presentation] [video] [bib]
    Acta Informatica: [paper] [bib]
  • Smashing Expectations for Fun and Profit: Intertextuality and “Rip-Off” in the Novels of John Scalzi
    Hila Peleg
    Science Fiction beyond Borders, Ed. Shawn Edrei and Danielle Gurevitch
    Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016 [book]




  • PC Chair
    ISSTA Tool Demo Track 2022

  • Program Committee
    PLDI 2021, 2023
    PEPM 2023
    <Programming> 2022
    PX 2022
    SCAM 2021
    ECOOP 2021
    HATRA 2020,2021, 2022
    SYNT 2020, 2021
    LIVE 2021
    VSTTE 2020
    ISSTA 2020 Tool Demo
    ECOOP 2019 Doctoral Symposium

  • External Review Committee

    ASPLOS 2021
    OOPSLA 2020

  • Organizing Committee
    FLoC 2022 Student Volunteer Co-Chair
    PLMW @ PLDI 2021
    PL+HCI Swimmer School 2020, 2022
    ML4PL 2018

  • Student Research Competition Committes

    POPL 2021
    SPLASH 2020
